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Positive Behaviour Policy


Positive Behaviour Policy

Policy details

Date created - November 2023

Date most recently reviewed by governors  November 2023

Responsibility for review: Lauren Chapman

Date shared with staff: November 2023


Policy details        1

1. Policy Statement and Purpose        2

2. Rules and Ways of Being        2

3. Rights and Responsibilities        4

4. Developing Positive Behaviour        5

5. Recognition        6

6. Classroom Expectations        7

7. Expectations Around the Academy        8

8. Expectations outside of School        8

9.  Consequences        9

10. Further Intervention and Support        12

11. Child on Child Abuse        13

12. Suspensions        14

13. Permanent Exclusion        14

14. Searching, Screening and Confiscation        15

1. Policy Statement and Purpose

Co-op Academy Princeville is a place where all children and adults feel safe, happy and successful. We know that the consistent application of this policy is key to this. Through this policy, we will set out our high expectations of adults’ and pupils’ behaviour and will define unacceptable behaviours, including bullying. We will clarify the roles and responsibilities of different people within the academy community. We will also outline the rewards and sanctions which are to be used consistently by all staff.  

We want to celebrate the individuality of every child in a positive and caring environment, where everyone takes responsibility for themselves and each other. The positive atmosphere and firm boundaries nurture children’s social, moral and emotional development, rewarding their desire to make good choices, through the Co-op Ways of Being. We aim to support children to understand the positive and negative consequences of their actions and choices beyond the school gates and into adulthood. By working together, child, parent and teacher, every child will achieve their full potential.

This policy should be read in conjunction with the following policies (available on the Co-op Academy Trust website and the Co-op Academy Princeville website):

Anti Bullying

Equality Statement and Objectives

Health and Safety

Positive Handling

Safeguarding and Child Protection

Special Educational Needs

This policy is underpinned by the following legislation and guidance:

Behaviour in Schools - Advice for Headteachers and School Staff

School suspensions and Permanent Exclusions

Searching, Screening and Confiscation - Advice for Schools

Keeping Children Safe in Education 2022

Education Act (2002), as amended by Education Act (2011)

Education and Inspections Act (2006)

School Discipline [Pupil Exclusions and Reviews] – England – Regulations (2012)

Equality Act (2010, revised 2018)

2. Rules and Ways of Being

Our expectations are underpinned by the Co-op’s ‘Ways of Being’.

Being Co-op is about creating an environment that celebrates difference. Somewhere both pupils and colleagues feel responsible, valued, empowered and trusted to do the right thing for each other and our community.

The four Ways of Being Co-op guide our future – no matter what we do, they’re how we do it. They are:

Our Pupil Behaviours help us define and explore each ‘Ways of Being’.

Vision and values

I care about the school and what we stand for. I show the values inside and outside of the academy.

Future focussed

I think about the future. I want to do well, and I want others to do well.

School improvement

I make sure that we all get better together. I know that my behaviour and actions have an impact on others.

Improving myself

I focus on getting better. I improve how much I can learn.

My words

I talk openly and honestly and know how my words help or hurt others.


I can be friends with anyone and treat everyone with respect.


I work co-operatively with others. I share my ideas and listen to others.

Driving innovation

I am confident using technology in a safe and sensible way.

Speaking up

I know my words can help others to be better. I speak up when I see bullying or poor behaviour.

Being a good friend and learner

I develop good friendships and work with my teachers, in order to understand and support others.

Championing Co-op

I represent my academy through my behaviour and my actions.

Helping others

I support the learning of others to promote a positive learning environment.

3. Rights and Responsibilities

The Academy Governing Body:

The academy governing body is responsible for monitoring this behaviour policy’s effectiveness and holding the headteacher to account for its implementation.

The Headteacher:

The headteacher is responsible for reviewing and approving this behaviour policy.

The headteacher will ensure that the school environment encourages positive behaviour and that staff deal effectively with poor behaviour, and will monitor how staff implement this policy to ensure rewards and sanctions are applied consistently.

Members of Staff:

Staff are responsible for:

  • Implementing the behaviour policy consistently
  • Modelling positive behaviour
  • Providing a personalised approach to the specific behavioural needs of particular pupils
  • Recording behaviour incidents

The senior leadership team will support staff in responding to behaviour incidents.


Parents are expected to:

  • Support their child in adhering to the pupil code of conduct
  • Inform the school of any changes in circumstances that may affect their child’s behaviour
  • Discuss any behavioural concerns with the class teacher promptly

4. Developing Positive Behaviour

To encourage positive behaviour, all members of staff will:

  • Build positive relationships with all pupils and parents/carers
  • Teach good behaviour rather than criticise poor behaviour.
  • Be positive and notice/recognise good behaviour
  • Be an exemplary role model in every aspect of their work and communication
  • Always model good manners and insist that pupils show these too
  • Remain calm in all situations
  • Ensure all rewards and sanctions earned are delivered
  • Be early to collect or receive pupils
  • Be well prepared for all lessons to reduce transition times
  • Ensure that work is matched to pupils’ needs and levels of attainment
  • Have clear routines which are adhered to consistently
  • Ensure pupils line up smartly and move through the school in a calm and orderly way
  • Insist that all pupils demonstrate active listening when adults or peers are speaking
  • Investigate reports of misbehaviour fairly and thoroughly

Our staff are provided with training on managing behaviour. Behaviour management will also form part of continuing professional development at least on a termly basis. We recognise that lunchtime staff manage pupils’ behaviour at the least structured point in the day. Therefore, training is provided for this group of staff.

Embedding the approach

It is vital that all members of the academy community understand and support the implementation of the policy. To this end, we ensure the following strategies are in place:

  • The use of a ‘behaviour script’ is used to give pupils and staff a shared language for discussing communication.
  • adults talk about behaviour explicitly e.g. prepare children by making it clear what is expected in different situations; admire examples of thoughtful or caring behaviour; help children to learn from one another.
  • Adults spend time discussing behaviour when things have gone wrong so that children can learn from mistakes and cope with difficult situations positively.
  • Class rules are displayed in all classrooms of the academy.
  • Every class uses dojo to reward children with points.
  • Each class has a cloud with every child’s name or face displayed. The steps are displayed and used when sanctions are given.
  • assemblies to celebrate and to reinforce pupils’ knowledge of behaviour and consequences (including through well chosen stories, parables etc)

Leadership Opportunities

Class teachers ensure that ‘monitor’ roles (classroom leaders) are assigned within the classroom and are on a rota basis so that all pupils are a monitor (classroom leader) at some point during the year.

There are also leadership roles which give pupils the opportunity to make a contribution beyond their classroom:

Sports leaders - pupils from Year 6 are trained to lead games and activities at break and lunch times.

Buddies - pupils from Year 6 ensure the hall is set up for assembly and the certificates/prizes are ready to be distributed.

School Councillors - pupils from Y1-Y6 are selected as role models. They are trained to intervene in lower level play time disagreements. They mentor individual younger pupils who are struggling to manage their own behaviour. They discuss changes they’d like to see implemented within the academy, supporting this and providing feedback to their class.

Guidance for restorative conversations

If possible, talk to pupils involved separately initially.

This conversation should take place with the adult who witnessed or received the information about misbehaviour.

Question: What happened?

Purpose: Discuss the unacceptable behaviour - give the opportunity for them to say how they feel aggrieved/justified in their behaviour

Question: What did you do?

Purpose: Ensure the pupil takes responsibility for their own behaviour

Question: Looking back on it, what could you have done differently?

Purpose: To explore their thoughts after their time of reflection.

Question:  Who has been affected by what you have done?

Purpose: Understand the impact on self and others and the responsibility they have towards others.

Question: What do you think you need to do to make things right?

Purpose: Ask what could be done to help the pupil.

5. Recognition

All the children will start on the cloud, if they remain there for the entire day they will collect one dojo, which will then accumulate for the week. All children who have remained on the cloud will take part in 30 minutes of golden time, this happens in the middle of the half term. Teachers keep a record of these children that is visible to children.  Golden time is decided by the class.

Some examples of these treats could be: additional PE, craft activities, STEM challenges,  additional Time Tables, Rockstar sessions, climbing frame, craft activities, baking etc.

All rewards are recorded on Class Charts, which communicates to parents. Awards are given for:

Extra Rewards

  • Additional dojos will be awarded at the end of each day for those pupils demonstrating the 5 ways of being and Skills Builder skills.

Weekly Rewards

  • One child per class is chosen to be the Learning Superstar of the week. This child receives a personalised certificate of achievement which is presented in a celebration assembly.  

Termly Rewards

  • Attendance rewards are given to each child who has achieved 100% attendance across the term. They receive a certificate and a badge. All children who have achieved 100% attendance will be entered into a prize draw. Each Key stage has a 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize which is drawn and presented in the last celebration assembly of the term.
  • All children who have achieved 100% attendance are invited to a special event at the end of the term. Some examples of this are a special lunch with SLT or a cinema afternoon.
  • Every term one child is chosen to be Star of the Term. They receive a prize and a certificate which is presented in the  last celebration assembly of the term.
  • All school councillors and buddies are presented with a prize at the end of the term to regognise their contribution and commitment to the school.
  • At the beginning of each half term each class is given a Dojo target. This is dependent on the number of pupils in the class. If the class reaches their target, they will attend the Dojo treat at the end of the half term. Some examples of this are a knockout assault course, theatrical performance or a magic show.
  • Every term we run a 100% week. All children who attend school for 5 days and are punctual are entered into a prize draw.

Annual Rewards

  • Attendance and punctuality 100%. Children receive a certificate, badge and a prize. This is presented in the Star of the year assembly.
  • Every year one child is chosen to be Star of the Year. They receive a prize and a certificate which is presented in the  last celebration assembly of the term.

6. Classroom Expectations

All pupils within the academy will demonstrate the pupil code of conduct:

  • We are sensible around school.
  • We always do as an adult asks straight away.
  • We respect people’s property and school property.
  • We respect other people’s points of view.
  • We always communicate and act respectfully.
  • We keep our hands and feet to ourselves.
  • We work hard and allow others to learn.

7. Expectations Around the Academy

The code of conduct explains clearly to pupils how they should behave both in the classroom and around school. In addition, at Co-op Academy Princeville we expect pupils to:

  • Line up quietly and walk in line when transitioning from one room or activity to another
  • Move to lines immediately after lunch when the ‘silent stop’ whistle is blown
  • Respect that there is always learning happening and therefore use quiet voices inside the building
  • Ensure they put all litter in the bin and behave responsibly in all inside and outside spaces
  • Queue respectfully for dinner and always tidy away their tray once they have finished their meal
  • Speak politely to all adults, including lunchtime supervisors, site staff and any visitors

8. Expectations outside of School

We are proud of our community and want our community to be proud of us. Our pupils are our ambassadors when identifiable and in our uniform and so we expect behaviour walking to and from school, in the community, to reflect the high standards we have for them inside of the building.

We ask that parents and carers monitor behaviour of children immediately outside the school gates and whilst walking too and from school to ensure they are safe on the busy roads and that they are not causing blocks to the walkways for other pedestrians.


Parents can help by recognising that an effective School Behaviour Policy requires close cooperation between parents, teachers and children. Parents should discuss the school rules with their child, emphasising that they support the rules.

Attending Parents’ Evenings and parents’ functions and by developing informal contacts with school helps to reinforce their support for the Policy.  Learning and teaching cannot take place without sound discipline and parents should recognise that staff will deal with behaviour problems patiently and positively.

9.  Consequences

The adults at Co-op Academy Princeville do not let things pass; every incident or example of less than our best is tackled in some way. We believe that tackling small actions consistently reinforces the messages about good behaviour to children.

In all disciplinary actions it is essential that the child knows that it is the behaviour which is unacceptable, not the child as a person.

Procedures for Dealing with Major Breaches of Discipline

  • An oral warning by the Head Teacher concerning future conduct.
  • Withdrawal to another part of the classroom for a fixed time.
  • Withdrawal to another classroom for a fixed time.
  • Sent to a member of SLT to discuss behaviour.
  • Use of a behaviour card: Class Teacher (Green Card) Assistant/Deputy Headteacher (Yellow Card) or Headteacher (Red Card). Use of behaviour cards is graduated by senior leaders in response to the frequency or severity of the behaviour/incident.
  • If the problem is severe or recurring – referral to the Inclusion Manager or Pastoral Team
  • Fixed term exclusion ( 1 – 5 days)
  • A phone call to parents informing them of their child’s behaviour.
  • A letter to parents informing them of their child’s unacceptable behaviour.
  • A meeting with parents, at which a warning is given about further sanctions, unless there is an improvement in the child’s behaviour.
  • Daily report to the Head Teacher to confirm that behaviour has been satisfactory (term: one week)
  • Internal Exclusion, and Fixed Term Exclusions may be used where appropriate.
  • Permanent exclusion, after consultation with the Governing Body and the LEA.  Parents have the right of appeal to the Governing Body against any decision to exclude their child.  (see exclusions policy)

NB: This is not an exhaustive list; each case will be dealt with individually

Procedures for Dealing with Minor Breaches of Discipline

  • Redirect to another activity
  • Talk to the child – Playtime/lunchtime

Where children have taken responsibility for their actions; e.g. told the truth immediately, said that they are sorry, named their own sanction appropriately; sanctions are reduced to reflect the lessons learned.  Adults model the importance of forgiveness and reconciliation.

Members of staff always try to intervene with low-level misbehaviour at the earliest point in the most subtle way. For example, this could be through making eye contact with the pupil, a gesture, facial expression or standing near to the child. The adult will then notice when the pupil makes good choices. The adult will acknowledge this - through subtle (e.g. smile, nod) or explicit (e.g. verbal praise, stickers, Dojo points) means. If this approach is not appropriate for the situation, or if such strategies fail, the following approach is followed.

In challenging misbehaviour, members of staff will follow these steps:

First Incident: Member of staff says to the pupil: “This is your reminder to make the right choice.”

If the misbehaviour continues:

Second Incident: Member of staff says to the pupil: “I’m giving you a verbal warning to …”

If the misbehaviour continues:

Third incident: Member of staff follows the script for behaviour procedure (See below) and removes the child's name off the cloud.

If pupils (Years 1 - 6) do not adhere to the Pupil Code of Conduct (see earlier definition of ‘misbehaviour’) and reach Step 3, they will have ‘time out’ during the next play (see below for duration). For misbehaviour occurring at playtime or lunch time, pupils will be escorted to ‘The Assistant Heads Office’ to start their time out immediately.

In instances of serious misbehaviour (see earlier definition), the member of staff will move straight to Step 3 without issuing warning.

Time out of the classroom takes place in ‘The Assistant Heads Office’ and is led by the Learning Mentor or a member of the senior leadership team. The leader will speak to each pupil about their behaviour, ensuring that:

  • all incidents have been investigated and dealt with fairly, in line with this policy
  • sanctions issued are correct
  • pupils take responsibility for their actions
  • pupils reflect on how they could behave differently in future to avoid sanctions
  • time out is conducted in silence and any time lost due to misbehaviour is added on

Class teachers must keep a record of any pupil needing time out (including that issued by other members of staff). The class teacher or a teaching assistant will escort any pupils needing time out to ‘The Assistant Heads Office’ at the next play or lunch time.

Script for behaviour procedure

We will always look for children doing the right thing and behaving well.

  • Say the “name of the child” raise a finger and say ‘that’s step 1…’ - no more talking make sure you look directly at them. When saying “that’s step 1”, wait 5-10 seconds to give the child a chance to self-correct before continuing.
  • Child acts out again (can be different behaviour) - you say, ‘that’s  step 2…’ Again, no more talking or showing emotion. Avoid engaging the child in an argument.
  • Child acts out again - you say, ‘that’s step 3…’ child is then led to a ‘time-out’ space within the classroom and given a fixed time (this is dependent on their age). If the child tries to talk or is acting out in time-out, pick your battles. Disengage and don’t pay attention to them.
  • When the time out has been served, tell the child why they have reached step 3 on the behaviour chart. Once this is done the child continues with the day.
  • In cases where a child hits or swears, you immediately go to ‘that’s step 3...’ They don’t get multiple chances to hit or swear at others. In this case, it is important to explain to the child that a specific word is not acceptable.
  • Names need to be taken off from the behaviour chart at the end of the day. Every day should be a ‘fresh start’.
  • If the child goes through the 1, 2, and 3 process twice a day the Key stage Assistant Head Teacher needs to be informed who will liaise with the HT/DHT/AHT Leading Inclusion to discuss the monitoring process (report card).
  • If a report card is issued the class teachers will set three SMART behaviour targets for the child for the week.
  • Positive behaviour will be rewarded with dojos. All the children will start on the cloud if they remain there for the whole day they will receive one dojo.

Early Years

Children in the early years who breach the Code of Conduct will have their time out immediately after an incident within the early years setting. The length of time out will be determined by the teacher.


Class teachers will keep a record of children being removed off the cloud. For serious misbehaviour, the Behaviour and Inclusion Manager will consult with the SLT, make a telephone call to parents and will record this on the behaviour log and CPOMS if applicable.

CPOMs Serious Incident Record

This is used to record:

  • Any incidents involving a child, or anyone employed in school, resulting in personal injury or damage to property
  • Loss, theft, or damage to property
  • Any other incidents or matters of a serious nature.

These incidents are ones that might give rise to disciplinary or legal action or become a matter of public interest (for example confrontational incidents, absconding, etc).  We report to the LEA on any incidents of this nature.

Exclusion must always be recorded on CPOMS. This is for serious occurrences of challenging behaviour (see exclusions policy).

Behaviour Log

The school uses a behaviour log to record all incidents that need to be communicated to senior staff in the school. The school employs different coloured codes to indicate the level of concern. This links to the colour of the report card issued with a description of why the report card has been issued.

Zero-tolerance approach to sexual harassment and sexual violence

The school will ensure that all incidents of sexual harassment and/or violence are met with a suitable response, and never ignored.

Pupils are encouraged to report anything that makes them uncomfortable, no matter how ‘small’ they feel it might be.

The school’s response will be:

  • Proportionate
  • Considered
  • Supportive
  • Decided on a case-by-case basis

Sanctions for sexual harassment and violence may include:

  • A red behaviour card, including monitoring and daily parental involvement
  • Internal Exclusion
  • Formal exclusion
  • Restorative measures

The school has procedures in place to respond to any allegations or concerns regarding a child’s safety or wellbeing. These include clear processes for:

  • Responding to a report
  • Carrying out risk assessments, where appropriate, to help determine whether to:
  • Manage the incident internally
  • Refer to early help
  • Refer to children’s social care
  • Report to the police

Please refer to our child protection and safeguarding policy for more information (available on the academy website).

10. Further Intervention and Support

Coop Academy Princeville is aware of the links between the SEND Code of Practice, our SEND processes and the whole school behaviour system outlined in this policy. Some special educational needs may pose a barrier or difficulty when applying the requirements of this policy, and require suitable adaptations, for example pupils with social, emotional, mental health difficulties and diagnosis. We recognise our legal duty under the Equality Act (2010) to ensure reasonable adjustments are made that are personalised to the pupil’s strengths and needs, and regularly reviewed.

Reasonable adjustments can take the form of how the behaviour policy expectations are explained to children with SEND, so that they understand what they should and should not do.

In conjunction with the class teacher, the SENDCo will evaluate a pupil who exhibits challenging behaviour to determine whether there is a possibility of the pupil having underlying needs that are not currently being met.

Where required, strategies will be put into place to address and support, and reviewed using the graduated approach of assess, plan, do, review cycle. Liaison with external agencies will take place where necessary. Where appropriate, pupils who struggle to manage their own behaviour will be given specific, measurable targets (e.g. I will remain in my seat during lessons; I will put my hand up to speak; I will use only kind words). Some pupils will have an individual reward chart which acknowledges positive behaviour over short periods of time. These rewards will then accumulate for pupils to earn Dojo points in line with their peers.

Where pupils display behaviours which could put themselves, others or the order of the academy at risk, positive handling plans and individual risk assessments will be put in place. All adults are aware of the government document Use of reasonable Force July 2013 and are aware of the law in relation to handling children.

Schools can use reasonable force to:

  • remove disruptive children from the classroom where they have refused to follow an instruction to do so;
  • prevent a pupil behaving in a way that disrupts a school event or a school trip or visit;
  • prevent a pupil leaving the classroom where allowing the pupil to leave would risk their safety or lead to behaviour that disrupts the behaviour of others;
  • prevent a pupil from attacking a member of staff or another pupil, or to stop a fight in the playground; and
  • restrain a pupil at risk of harming themselves through physical outbursts. (Page 5)

A Positive Handling Incident entry is completed on CPOMs and the situation discussed with the Head Teacher or SLT member responsible for pastoral care who will work with the member of staff and parents to devise an action plan to meet that child’s and the school’s needs.  This might include the involvement of other agencies – Social Services, Psychological Service, Pupil Referral Service, etc.

All incidents of positive handling are reported to parents at the first opportunity.

The school has a Positive Handling Policy, and this is available on the school website.

11. Child on Child Abuse

Co-op Academy Princeville is committed to ensuring a climate of safety for all students by challenging inappropriate behaviour between peers. We have a zero tolerance approach of all forms of child on child abuse including (but not limited to):

  • Bullying (including cyberbullying, prejudice-based and discriminatory bullying)
  • Abuse in intimate personal relationships between peers
  • Physical abuse such as hitting, kicking, shaking, biting, hair pulling, or otherwise causing physical harm (this may include an online element which facilitates, threatens and / or encourages physical abuse)
  • Sexual violence, such as rape, assault by penetration and sexual assault (this may include an online element which facilitates, threatens and / or encourages physical abuse)
  • Sexual harassment, such as sexual comments, remarks, jokes and online sexual harassment, which may be standalone or part of a broader pattern of abuse
  • Causing someone to engage in sexual activity without consent, such as forcing someone to strip, touch themselves sexually, or to engage in sexual activity with a third party
  • Consensual and non-consensual sharing of nudes and semi nude images and / or videos (also known as sexting or youth produced sexual imagery)
  • Upskirting, which typically involves taking a picture under a person’s clothing without their permission, with the intention of viewing their genitals or buttocks to obtain sexual gratification, or cause the victim humiliation, distress or alarm
  • Initiation / hazing type violence and rituals (this could include activities involving harassment, abuse or humiliation used as a way of initiating a person into a group and may also include an online element

Where there are any reports of child on child abuse, including sexual violence and sexual harassment,  we will follow the guidance set out in Part 5 of Keeping Children Safe in Education 2022. The Academy maintains a zero tolerance approach to all forms of child on child abuse and always maintain the attitude ‘it could happen here’. We will always take any reports or disclosures seriously. Any sanctions for child on child abuse will be proportionate, considered, supportive and will be decided on a case by case basis. Sanctions could include managing the incident internally, referring to early help, referring to children’s social care or reporting the incident to the police. Serious incidents could result in permanent exclusion. The Academy will not tolerate behaviour of this nature, whilst also not demonising anyone – we will support and listen to all of the pupils involved. The alleged perpetrator(s) will be offered support so that they can change their behaviour.

For more information on how we deal with child on child abuse please see:

Co-op Academy Princeville’s Anti Bullying Policy.

Co-op Academy Princeville’s Child Protection Policy.

Keeping Children Safe in Education 2022

12. Suspensions

This policy links with our exclusions policy. Internal exclusions, fixed term exclusions and permanent exclusions are only used as a last resort to address serious misbehaviour and/or when the sanctions in this policy have not been effective.

13. Permanent Exclusion

Permanent exclusion is a last resort. A Headteacher may decide to permanently exclude a student for persistent disruptive behaviour, where despite the school's best effort, a student insists on breaching the school's behaviour policy. A permanent exclusion could also be the consequence for a first 'one off' offence, based on the severity of the behaviour. One off offences may include:

  • Serious actual or threatened violence against another student or member of staff (including online threats or abuse)
  • Assault on a student or member of staff
  • Sexual abuse or assault
  • Supplying or using an illegal drug
  • Carrying an offensive weapon (including any article made or adapted for causing injury)
  • Serious one off incidents including ‘Hate’ incidents / crime or bullying

 Further information on permanent exclusions can be found in the Trust’s Exclusion policy.

14. Searching, Screening and Confiscation

The Headteacher has statutory power to search pupils and possessions if there are reasonable grounds to suspect pupils have prohibited items. Searches may also be carried out by members of staff and contractors authorised by the Headteacher. All authorised staff will be up to date with screening and searching procedures as laid out in government guidance .  When conducting searches, the Headteacher will consider the age and ability of students and make reasonable adjustments where necessary. Where possible searches will be conducted with the student present and away from other students  (unless there is reason to believe that significant harm could happen if we wait).

The school can search a student for any item with their consent and in their presence (e.g. turning out pockets / looking in bags). Staff have the power to search (without consent) if they have reason to believe a student possesses any of the following items:

  • knives and weapons
  • alcohol
  • illegal drugs
  • stolen items
  • tobacco and cigarette papers
  • cigarettes
  • e-cigarettes
  • lighters and matches
  • fireworks
  • pornographic images
  • anything that has been or is likely to be used to commit an offence, cause injury,damage property

Wherever possible, searches will be carried out by two authorised members of staff, or by staff members of the same gender as the student, and with the student present as a witness. Searches that require physical contact or use of force will always be a last resort. Where the risk is considered significant, they will be conducted by a trained member of staff of the same sex as the pupil, or, if possible, and preferably, by a family member. If this is not possible (due to urgency of the situation) searches will be conducted by a permanent member of staff, with the appropriate training, of the same sex and an appropriate adult (of the same sex). In all cases, only outer clothing will be searched (pockets, bags, shoes etc). No member of the school community will conduct a search that reveals a student’s underwear or skin (beyond shirt sleeves).

Staff will confiscate and retain a student’s property if it is a banned item or any item being used to cause harm to self or others, damage to property, or disruption to the maintaining of a purposeful learning environment. For any confiscated item that is not deemed to be dangerous or potentially / known to be illegal, the confiscating staff member is required to make a proportionate and fair decision about what happens next with the item, for example:

  • returning the item to the student at the end of that lesson
  • returning the item to the student at the end of that day
  • escalating the issue to a member of the year team / senior leadership team
  • discussing with the student’s family about how best to return or dispose of the item

Retention of, damage to or disposal of a student’s personal property should not be used as a sanction and confiscation, including how the confiscation is followed up, should only be used to ensure the maintenance of a safe and purposeful learning environment.

Mobile Phones / Devices

Pupils are not allowed to bring their mobile phones to school - for their own safety and security and for the comfort and peace of mind of others.