We provide 15 hours per week of free Nursery education.
Reception through to Year 6
For places in any year (apart from Nursery) please see below for how to apply. Places are limited by the number of children we can (legally) accept in each year group.
If you are applying for a Reception place, all applications are made in advance. Offers are made by local authorities on National Offer Day. You must apply to your local authority. Please see link below.
Is your child born between April and August and starting Reception?
If your child is summer born child (born between 1 April and 31 August) you may request that your child be admitted out of their normal age group, to reception rather than year one.
Click here to find out more and read the Admission out of chrolological age (including deferment for summer born children) section.
Apply for a reception place – deadline 15 January 2025
If you’ve missed the deadline, please see the section below.
Apply for a Reception place for September 2025 - deadline 15th January 2025
Apply for a place via Bradford Local Authority by completing their online application, details can be found here
Alternatively, please call in to the school where one of our team will be able to help you complete the application
Apply for a reception place (if you have missed the deadline)
If you want to apply for a reception place, but have missed the deadline:
Move to us from another school
If you want to move school, pop in and we can help you get started. You can also complete this online:
How to apply for an in-year place
We are part of the Bradford coordinated in-year application scheme. This means you can apply for a place online using the Bradford In-Year Common Application Form (ICAF). You can apply for places at our school and most other Bradford schools at the same time on this form.
If you have moved house, please upload evidence of the house move with the online application. You can find out what you need to provide on the above website.
Waiting lists are kept until end of each school year. You will need to make a new application if you want to be on the waiting list for the following school year.
Oversubscription Criteria
We admit up to 60 children into Reception each year - this is our PAN (pupil Admission Number). If fewer than this apply, we offer a place to all applicants.
Children with an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP), will be admitted to the school named on their plan. These children are assigned places before the oversubscription criteria is applied.
We follow the Bradford Local Authority oversubscription criteria. This criteria has now been updated to include: 'Children who were in state care outside of England and were then adopted'.
If you require any help, Bradford Council website has lots of information about the process. You can also call in and speak to us at the main office.
Bradford Council Admissions Website
Bradford Council Admissions Helpline 01274 439200
Admissions and Appeals Policies
Although academies can control their own admissions policy, we follow the Bradford City Council admissions code.
Appeals for our school are reviewed by Bradford Local Authority. For further guidance and an appeal form, please refer to Bradford Metropolitan District Councils - 'Make an appeal' website here