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Health & Safety Policy

Health and Safety Policy

Policy details

Academy: Co-op Academy Princeville

Policy owner: Ryan Lewis

Date: November 2020

Date shared with staff: 17.11.20

Date shared with governors: 17.11.20

Statement of intent

  1. Co-op Academy Princeville recognises its health and safety duties under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, the Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999 and accompanying protective legislation, and the Headteacher, Mr. Ryan Lewis, recognises that he has a responsibility to ensure that all reasonable precautions are taken to provide and maintain working conditions which are safe, healthy and comply with all statutory requirements and codes of practice.
  2. The School, so far as is reasonably practicable, proposes to pay particular attention to:
  1. The provision and maintenance of a safe place of work, a safe system of work, safe appliances for work, and a safe and healthy working environment
  2. The provision of such information and instruction as may be necessary to ensure the health and safety of its employees and others, and the promotion of awareness and understanding of health and safety throughout the workforce.
  3. Ensuring the safety and absence of health risks in connection with the use, handling, storage and transport of all articles, substances and equipment
  4. Making regular assessments of risks to employees
  5. Taking appropriate preventative/protective measures as identified by risk assessment.
  1. In order that the School can achieve those objectives, it is important that employees recognise their duty, whilst at work, to take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and of other persons. Employees should also cooperate fully with the School or anyone else concerned, to ensure that their obligations are performed or complied with.
  2. The School will ensure adequate resources both in terms of time and money are made available to the necessary people to ensure that the items listed above are implemented and all employees are provided with the necessary instruction, information, training and supervision to enable them to carry out their work without risk to themselves or others. An annual review of the Health and Safety Policy will also be undertaken to ensure it is relevant to the work being undertaken by the School and all legislation quoted is up to date, where necessary the policy will be developed and expanded.
  3. The School is also committed to the continuous development and improvement of the School’s health and safety management system. The School will ensure that the health, safety & welfare of any employee or subcontractor is not compromised for financial or commercial gain.
  4. All employees of the School agree, as a term of their contract of employment, to comply with their individual duties under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, and the Management of Health and Safety Regulations 1999 and other legislation, and to generally cooperate with the School so as to enable it to carry out its duties towards them. The attention of all employees is drawn to the attached safety rules and procedures, and employees should recognise that failure to comply with their health and safety duties and obligations can lead to dismissal from employment. In the case of serious breaches, such dismissal may be instant without prior warning.
  5. This policy has been prepared in furtherance of section 2(3) of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and binds all staff. We request that our customers and visitors respect this policy, a copy of which can be obtained on demand.


The Governing Body

The Governing Body are responsible for ensuring that the Policy enables the School to fulfil its legal duties. They will monitor conditions and the health and safety performance to determine whether the policy is adequately resourced, effective and is being developed to meet changing requirements.

The Governing Body will

  • Keep themselves appraised of changes in health & safety legislation.
  • Ensure that systems are in place to review and up-date this Policy annually, when major staffing changes occur, or when new equipment is introduced
  • Ensure sufficient arrangements, facilities and finances are available for fully implementing this Policy
  • Take all measures to ensure that the premises are safe for everyone.
  • Ensure they consider and address any potential health and safety implications of all their decisions before they are taken.
  • Lead by example in all matters relating to health & safety.
  • Ensure suitable people are appointed to implement this Policy on a day to day basis and that all employees with specific responsibilities for health & safety are competent to carry out the role and will be given sufficient time and resources.
  • Receive and consider the School’s annual report on health and safety performance against set objectives.
  • Undertake an appropriate level of health and safety training relevant to their position.


The Headteacher

The Headteacher is responsible for ensuring that the Policy enables the School to fulfil its legal duties and emphasises the determination to manage its activities so that standards of health and safety are continuously improved. They will monitor conditions and the health and safety performance to determine whether the policy is adequately resourced, effective and is being developed to meet changing requirements.

In particular the Headteacher is responsible for:

  • Setting a personal example at all times with respect to good health and safety practice.
  • Having overall responsibility for the health and safety of employees working in the School and of other persons who may be affected by the School’s activities.
  • The development and continual improvement of the School’s health and safety performance by ensuring that an effective health and safety management system is implemented and maintained.
  • Approving and signing the School’s health and safety policy.
  • Ensuring that the health and safety policy and associated procedures are effectively implemented, providing the necessary physical, financial and human resources required.
  • Assigning responsibilities for the effective planning, organisation, control, measuring, monitoring, reviewing and auditing of the health and safety management system and its associated policies and procedures.
  • Nominating a member of SLT for the role of health and safety champion throughout the School.
  • Ensuring health and safety is recognised as a core function and fully integrated into the activities of the School with health and safety objectives being an integral component of School objectives.
  • Assigning responsibilities for an annual report detailing the School’s health and safety performance against set objectives and to set objectives for forthcoming periods.
  • Being kept informed of any significant health and safety failures, and of the outcome of the investigation into their causes.
  • Authorising new and revised health and safety policy, procedure and guidance.
  • Undertaking an annual health and safety tour.
  • Ensuring that each Governor and employee has the appropriate level of competency in health and safety to enable them to effectively undertake their role.

The Headteacher is responsible for ensuring that health and safety standards are maintained. In particular they will ensure the following matters are attended to:

  • All personnel are aware of, and instructed in, their individual legal responsibilities, and that these are properly discharged.
  • All work carried out, and all equipment complies with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 and the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998.
  • All equipment is maintained in good working order, and any registered equipment carries valid certification.
  • Information on safety, health and welfare matters is effectively communicated to all those concerned.
  • All staff are conversant with the School and Health and Safety Executive accident reporting procedure (RIDDOR).
  • Adequate first aid facilities are available in accordance with current regulations, and suitable persons are trained in first aid to the required standard.
  • Periodic statutory tests, inspections and maintenance of premises and equipment are carried out and records are properly maintained.
  • Fire precautions and appliances are in place and are tested, maintained, and kept up to date with the latest legislative requirements.
  • All staff are acquainted with the emergency evacuation procedures and emergency plan.
  • All new employees undergo induction training by a competent person and receive a written copy of School and health and safety rules and guidance.
  • Staff are competent to carry out their work safely, and have received adequate information, instruction and training which is recorded for each individual.
  • A personal example is set by following School rules and procedures.
  • Trained and competent supervision is provided for employees (particularly trainees).
  • The activities of all contractors working on the School’s premises are monitored and recorded on a regular basis.
  • All potential hazards, or reported hazards, are examined and evaluated and then eliminated or adequately controlled.
  • Liaison is maintained directly with the School’s professional health and safety advisers (Health and Safety Evolution) in respect of providing support in all areas of health and safety arrangements.
  • The following statutory notices are displayed:
  • A signed copy of the Health and Safety Policy Statement of Intent  
  • Employers liability insurance certificate
  • Health and Safety Law poster
  • First aid (notifying the names and locations of the first- aiders)
  • Fire procedure (with the assembly point)
  • Simple records and information are kept on the health and safety performance.  
  • Health and safety improvement suggestions received from staff are given due consideration.

Nominated Persons

The Nominated Persons within the School will be asked to carry out and manage some of the Headteacher’s duties. They will be expected to manage health and safety on a day to day basis and are deemed competent to do so.

Should they have issues or concerns then they are to communicate these to the Headteacher who will be available to assist them where required.

Senior Leaders

In their areas of responsibility Senior Leaders are responsible for health and safety individually and also, as members of the Departmental Team, collectively.

Senior Leaders are supported in these roles by Governors, the Headteacher, Teachers, and other stakeholders. In their areas of responsibility, and in addition to responsibilities specified in other associated School policies and procedures, Senior Leaders are responsible for:

  • Setting a personal example at all times with respect to good health and safety practice.
  • The effective monitoring, review, development and continual improvement of health and safety performance.
  • Ensuring that the health and safety policy and associated procedures are effectively implemented, providing the necessary physical, financial and human resources required.
  • Ensuring they consider and address any potential health and safety implications of all their decisions before they are taken.
  • Ensuring that the health and safety policy and associated procedures are brought to the attention of all employees and others as appropriate.
  • Keeping up to date with changes to health and safety legislation, standards and good practice relevant to their service area’s activities.
  • Ensuring risk assessments for activities are undertaken, control measures identified and implemented, and the outcomes communicated to employees and others as appropriate.
  • Ensuring that there are effective arrangements to receive, collate, and disseminate health and safety information.
  • Ensuring that all accidents and incidents are reported, documented, appropriately investigated and preventative measures put in place to avoid reoccurrences.
  • Ensuring that health and safety is appropriately considered at the planning stages (for example during the development or introduction of new methods of work, equipment, buildings etc).



In their areas of responsibility Teachers are responsible for health and safety individually and, as members of the Departmental Team, collectively.  Teachers are supported in these roles by Governors, Headteacher, Senior Leaders and other stakeholders.

In their areas of responsibility, and in addition to responsibilities specified in other associated School Human Resources policies and procedures, all levels of Teacher are proportionately responsible for:

  • Setting a personal example at all times with respect to good health and safety practice.
  • The health and safety of employees and of other persons who may be affected by the School activities.
  • The measurement, monitoring, review, development and continual improvement of health and safety performance.
  • Ensuring familiarity with the health and safety policy and associated procedures and effectively implementing them, providing the necessary physical, financial and human resources required to do so and informing their line manager of any resource requirements.
  • Not allowing work to commence or continue if it cannot be performed safely, until a safe method is identified and implemented.
  • Ensuring that health and safety objectives are an integral part of their team delivery plans and to also ensure that they consider and address any potential health and safety implications of all their decisions before they are taken.
  • Keeping up to date with existing and revised health and safety legislation, standards and good practices relevant to their activities.
  • Undertaking risk assessments, identifying and implementing control measures, communicating the outcomes to employees and others as appropriate.
  • Keeping themselves informed of all accidents and incidents that occur (ensuring that they are reported and documented), undertaking appropriate levels of investigation and implementing preventative measures to avoid a reoccurrence.
  • Ensuring they inform the Headteacher or Senior Leader of any significant health and safety failures, and of the outcome of the investigation into their causes.
  • Providing adequate levels of supervision as identified for pupils and others as appropriate.
  • The provision of timely feedback to their Line Manager regarding any deficiencies in health and safety policies, procedures, plans, systems etc.
  • The identification and subsequent provision of employees’ health and safety training requirements.
  • The identification and provision of employees’ personal protective equipment requirements, ensuring its correct use.
  • Providing arrangements to ensure employees and others (for example visitors, members of the public, contractors etc) have safe access and exits at all times whilst on the premises considering any persons who may have additional requirements (for example wheel chair users, visually impaired etc).
  • Undertaking appropriate health and safety inspections.
  • Ensuring that transferred and new employees are informed of the hazards and risk control measures involved with the service areas activities.

School Competent Person

The School Business Manager has been appointed to the role of Competent Person and they are responsible for advice on overall strategies for health, safety and welfare within the School.

At unit level, they will provide advice to the School as required in particular:

  • Advice on interpretation of legal requirements.
  • Assistance with strategy for implementation of the policy
  • Provide investigations of serious accidents
  • Revise the policy in the light of experience or legal change.
  • Advice upon the visit of an Enforcement Officer.

All Employees

  • Take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves, and others who may be affected by their acts or omissions at work
  • Cooperate with management with regard to agreed health and safety arrangements and procedures
  • Know and keep to the rules and procedures relating to their work and report to their immediate supervisor all difficulties or hazards liable to endanger themselves or other persons
  • Not interfere with, or misuse, anything provided by the employer in the interest of health, safety and welfare
  • If involved in an accident resulting in, or which may have resulted in, injury report the details to the Headteacher as soon as possible, and in all cases before the end of the day on which the incident occurs
  • Use equipment only when authorised and properly trained to do so
  • Fully familiarise themselves with the School health and safety policies and associated procedures, seeking clarification from line managers where necessary.
  • Report any defects in plant or equipment to their line management.
  • Notify a member of their line management (or if not available another appropriate person) of any work situation having the potential for serious and imminent danger to health and safety.
  • Notify their line manager of any matters / shortcomings relating to existing practices, procedures or protective measures which might give rise to risks to health and safety.
  • Wear protective clothing and safety equipment as required reporting any defect to their line management.
  • Suggest possible amendments to existing practices or procedures which could improve health and safety.
  • Set a personal example at all times.


Systems and Procedures

The School recognises the importance of health, safety and welfare, and will adopt a systematic approach towards ensuring that a healthy and safe environment is provided and maintained for all employees and other persons who could be affected by our work activities.

Equally important is the need for constant alertness by the Headteacher Responsible for Health and Safety and employees in identifying and eliminating potential hazards wherever possible.

It is our primary objective that in conducting our activities, account must be taken by all parties of the need to:

  • Formulate and maintain safe working systems, including work carried out during maintenance
  • Take all necessary steps to establish the causes of accidents and risks to health, which may occur, and to ensure that reasonable measures are taken to prevent recurrence
  • Ensure that no process, chemical or equipment is introduced unless it complies (where required) with statutory testing or examination requirements. Also, to ensure that, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety of employees etc. will not be affected
  • Provide proper and adequate induction and training to ensure that all employees are fully competent in safe working methods applicable to their work
  • Encourage the closest possible liaison between the School and employees in matters relating to health and safety
  • Ensure that all legal requirements relating to our activities are fully complied with, and progressively improve upon the levels of health and safety performance
  • Consult with employees, and advise them of their legal duties and responsibilities, including the requirement to:
  • Abide by safe working systems
  • Make use of facilities and equipment provided for their protection
  • Refrain from any act which could endanger themselves or others
  • Refrain from intentionally or recklessly interfering with, or misusing, anything provided in the interests of health, safety and welfare
  • Report any known defect, which could endanger the health or safety of themselves or others
  • Co-operate as far as is necessary to ensure that we meet our legal requirements

Consultation with employees

A requirement of the Health and Safety (Consultation with Employees) Regulations 1996 is for us to consult with our employees in all matters relating to health and safety.

The School will convene regular meetings, to discuss all relevant issues relating to health and safety.

In particular, we will discuss the following:

  • When introducing new measures which may affect health and safety
  • The change in appointment of nominated competent persons
  • The provision of statutory health and safety information
  • Any statutory health and safety training
  • Health and safety of implications of introducing new technology, tooling or work activities

The meetings will be formal, and the minutes will be circulated following the meeting.

Monitoring, Audit & Review

All health and safety documentation will be kept up to date and in line with relevant requirements. This will be done on an ongoing basis by the Headteacher, Nominated Person, relevant Governors and Teaching Staff.Our health and safety management system, which includes this Policy and all other health and safety related documentation mentioned within, will follow a strict procedure which falls in line with the HSE’s “Plan, Do, Check, Act” process.


Annually, as a minimum, we complete a full, in-depth audit of our health and safety management system including paperwork, training, risk assessments and general site safety. From this we then produce a Policy for the coming year (or until the next audit if other times are specified). Outlined in the Policy is the planning for who and what is to be done in that time frame.


Once the Policy, which details the various arrangements within the School, is in place, we then focus on implementing the arrangements into practice. We organise the plans with the specified people and from there implement them. Throughout this part of the process our Headteacher, Nominated Person and Competent Person will liaise on an ongoing basis.


This part of the process we treat as an ongoing as we are constantly checking our health and safety performance to ensure that it remains fully specific to our School plans.We ensure that all paperwork that is to be completed is being done, and we ensure that all risk assessments that are set out are also being followed and adhered to.We understand that reviewing paperwork is not always a sufficient method of checking health and safety plans, so we ensure that if any accidents, incidents or near misses occur that they are fully reviewed, and the root causes are determined.Another method we use is to carry out regular documented inspections of the workplace to ensure that practical health and safety practice is being followed as planned.


We are constantly learning from any mistakes that we may make, whether that be any accidents, incidents or near misses. We learn by revisiting plans, Policies and risk assessments to ensure that they are still fully specific to the work and activities that are being carried out by the School.We review any workplace inspections that have been carried out and we also listen to feedback from employees.

Once we have collated all the information required we will then evaluate the information, and identify ways to improve the School’s health and safety management. This then leads us back to the “Plan” part of the procedure.

Communication with employees

We will ensure all employees are briefed on the School Health and Safety Policy and other relevant health and safety information, firstly during their new starter induction when joining the School, and periodically as the policy is updated or legislation is introduced/removed, or after any changes which may affect their health, safety and wellbeing. All employees will be provided with health and safety information on an annual basis as a minimum, in the form of a Health and Safety Booklet created by our external health and safety advisors. Employees will also be briefed on an ongoing basis by their Line Manager to help continually raise awareness.

In the event that an employee’s first language is not English or where they have any other condition which may affect their ability to understand written or verbal communication, the School will take the necessary steps to ensure the required information is effectively communicated. This communication may include the use of existing employees who speak the same language as the affected employee or employees who can read the same language. Where necessary, we will ensure written documentation is provided in a suitable language for employees to understand.

All employees are reminded that the School operates an open-door policy and all employees are free to contact any member of the Senior Leadership Team regarding any health and safety concerns they may have, or where they have ideas which may improve the health, safety and welfare of employees. All concerns or ideas raised will be given due consideration by the management team and feedback will be given to employees where appropriate.

Fire Safety

A written Fire Risk Assessment in accordance with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (FSO) will be undertaken and kept up to date. The control measures identified will be issued to relevant employees. Training and information will be given as necessary. It is the Headteachers responsibility to ensure that this assessment is reviewed annually as a minimum.

Detailed procedures for evacuations, including exit routes and information on good practice, are held and available on request to any member of staff, however they will have been communicated to all employees upon employment. Equipment checks will be carried out in line with legislative requirements, these involve;

  • A weekly test of the fire alarm. This will be from varying call points throughout the School.

  • An annual service of the fire alarm.

  • A weekly sounding of the alarm for familiarisation purposes.

  • A monthly test of the emergency lighting throughout the School.

  • An annual test of the full rated duration of the emergency lighting.

Along with the equipment checks and servicing, we will ensure that regular, termly fire drills are carried out. During these drills all fire wardens will be expected to lead the evacuation and follow their procedures.

Staff will be trained in fire safety and the use of fire equipment. They will also be briefed on the role of individuals and the action to take in the event of a fire or other emergency.

Fire procedures are displayed in all classrooms which outline the most practical and safest exit route to take in the event of an alarm.

For after School events and performances a fire evacuation plan will be created which will be communicated to relevant personnel prior to the event/performance. Fire safety information will be given to the audience prior to the event/performance. Please see the fire risk assessment for the hall capacities for such events.

Staff are instructed to ensure the alarm is raised BEFORE attempting to tackle a fire. The safe evacuation of persons is an absolute priority. Staff may only attempt to deal with small fires, if it is safe to do so without putting themselves at risk, using portable fire fighting equipment. All staff throughout the School should be aware of the type and location of portable fire fighting equipment and have received basic instruction in its use.

First Aid

The Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981 will be complied with and the recommended number of persons will be trained and certificated to the necessary standard. Qualified first aid personnel, having a current First Aid Certificate, must be provided in the following circumstances:

  • One Appointed Person - Where a site employs fewer than 20 persons (direct or sub-contract).

  • First Aider - Where there are more than 20 persons on site collectively.

  • The First Aid attendant may carry out other duties but must always be readily available.

The first aid attendant’s name and location must be clearly denoted on or near the first aid boxes.

Details of the first aiders will be displayed prominently for the benefit of all employees and visitors and brought to the attention of all new employees at their Induction stage.

Stock levels of items required under the Regulations will be checked at regular intervals and boxes will be kept secure, yet quickly available when required. Special arrangements will be made to provide cover where employees work away from School premises.

A register of certified first aiders will be maintained, a minimum level of cover will be provided at all times.

The School will undertake a First Aid risk assessment as required by the regulations to ensure suitable and sufficient first aid provision will be provided at all times, to include out of hours activities.

Risk Assessment

All significant hazards will be identified, and the associated risks assessed. Significant risks will be recorded. Simple, effective control measures will be agreed, with the involvement of the employees affected. Safe systems of work will be produced and implemented in respect of all work activities where a significant risk has been identified.

Written assessments and safety procedures will be carried out in all the production and administration areas and communicated to all affected employees.

Specific risk assessments will include:

-Manual Handling/PPE/COSHH/Risk


-Machinery and Equipment

There is also a specific need for the School to carry out a risk assessment on any new or expectant mother. This will be carried out by the School Business Manager in conjunction with the new or expectant mother and their Line Manager. The assessment will be reviewed on an ongoing basis throughout the employee’s pregnancy.

Administration of Drugs/Medicines in School

There are two types of cases as follows:

1.        Those where the child has some form of chronic illness such as diabetes, epilepsy, asthma and hay fever.

2.        Those where the child has a short-term illness such as chesty colds, tonsillitis or ear ache.                          

In the case of (1) only medicines prescribed by a registered medical practitioner and labelled by a chemist with the child's name and the amount/frequency of dosage, will be accepted into School, where they will be retained securely out of reach of children.

With regard to (2) children suffering from infections requiring treatment by antibiotics should not normally be in School until the course of treatment has been completed.  Members of staff have been advised not to administer medicines in such cases.  It may be possible for a parent to come into School to treat their child, say at lunch-time, if it is agreed that the child should be at School. If the parent is unable to do this, a member of staff will administer the medication after written parental consent is given. All medication administered will be recorded and observed by another member of staff. No drugs or medicines should be sent to School in unmarked containers for short-term treatment.

Certain drugs prescribed by doctors can cause erratic performance at School.  If a child is given a course of such drugs it is advisable that the School be notified so that due consideration may be given.

Accident Reporting and Notification of Accidents/Dangerous Occurrences  

All accidents that occur on site must be recorded in the accident book provided and communicated to the Nominated Person at the earliest opportunity. All accidents are reviewed on their own merit by the Nominated Person or someone within the Senior Leadership Team before the decision is made as to whether the accident requires a thorough investigation. All accidents that are deemed serious will be communicated immediately to the Trust and our Insurers. Where required the Headteacher will undertake a full investigation into the accident and report back to the Trust. Employees are required to assist with any investigation of accidents and/or dangerous occurrences that take place within their work area.

Injuries and Ill-Health to People at Work

Various work-related accidents and incidents are reportable to the HSE (see Work-Related Definition).

Under RIDDOR, the School will ensure that reporting of the following work-related accidents, including those caused by physical violence, if an employee is injured, wherever they are working:

  • Accidents which result in death or a specified injury must be reported without delay (see Reportable Specified Injuries).

  • Accidents which prevent the injured person from continuing their normal work for more than seven days (not counting the day of the accident but including weekends and other rest days) must be reported within 15 days of the accident.

The Headteacher and Nominated Person will also ensure that a report is made for any case of a work related disease, specified under RIDDOR, that affects an employee and that a doctor confirms in writing (see ‘Reportable Occupational Diseases’). All employees are encouraged to find further, detailed guidance on the HSE website

The School will also ensure that any work-related deaths and certain injuries to self-employed people that take place while they are working at the premises are recorded and reported to the HSE.

Work-Related Definition

RIDDOR only requires you to report accidents if they happen ‘out of or in connection with work’. The fact that there is an accident at work premises does not, in itself, mean that the accident is work-related – the work activity itself must contribute to the accident. An accident is ‘work related’ if any of the following played a significant role:

  • The way the work was carried out.

  • Any machinery, plant, substances or equipment used for the work or;

  • The condition of the site or premises where the accident happened.


Reportable Specified Injuries and Deaths


All deaths to workers and non-workers will be reported if they arise from a work-related accident, including an act of physical violence to a worker. Suicides are not reportable, as the death does not result from a work-related accident.

Specified Injuries

These include:

  • A fracture, other than to fingers, thumbs and toes.

  • Amputation of an arm, hand, finger, thumb, leg, foot or toe.

  • Permanent loss of sight or reduction of sight.

  • Crush injuries leading to internal organ damage.

  • Serious burns (covering more than 10% of the body, or damaging the eyes, respiratory system or other vital organs).

  • Scalpings (separation of skin from the head) which require hospital treatment.

  • Unconsciousness caused by head injury or asphyxia.

  • Any other injury arising from working in an enclosed space, which leads to hypothermia, heat-induced illness or requires resuscitation or admittance to hospital for more than 24 hours.

Reportable Occupational Diseases

These include:

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome.

  • Severe cramp of the hand or forearm.

  • Occupational dermatitis, e.g. from work involving strong acids or alkalis, including domestic bleach.

  • Hand-arm vibration syndrome.

  • Occupational asthma, e.g. from wood dust and soldering using rosin flux.

  • Tendonitis or tenosynovitis of the hand or forearm.

  • Any occupational cancer.

  • Any disease attributed to an occupational exposure to a biological agent.

Physical Violence

Some acts of non-consensual physical violence to a person at work, which result in death, a specified injury or a person being incapacitated for over seven days, are reportable. In the case of an over seven-day injury, the incapacity must arise from a physical injury, not a psychological reaction to the act of violence.

Examples of reportable injuries from violence include an incident where a teacher sustains a specified injury because a pupil, colleague or member of the public assaults them while on school premises. This is reportable, because it arises out of or in connection with work.

Incidents to Pupils and Other People who are not at Work

Injuries that occur to pupils and visitors whilst on site should still be recorded in the accident book and communicated to the Nominated Person. The same level of review and investigation will occur and Trust will be informed accordingly.

However, under RIDDOR the reporting requirements differ to those that are employed by the School. The accidents are only reportable if the accident results in:

  • The death of the person, and arose out of or in connection with a work activity; or

  • An injury that arose out of or in connection with a work activity and the person is taken directly from the scene of the accident to hospital for treatment (examinations and diagnostic tests do not constitute as treatment).

The lists of specified injuries and diseases previously described only applies to employees. If a pupil injured in an incident remains at School, is taken home or is simply absent from School for a number of days, the incident is not reportable.

Determining Whether an injury to a Pupil Is in Connection with Work

The Headteacher and Nominated Person will consider whether the incident was caused by;

  • A failure in the way a work activity was organised (e.g. inadequate supervision of an educational visit).

  • The way equipment or substances were used (e.g. lifts, machinery, experiments etc.) and/or;

  • The condition of the premises (e.g. poorly maintained or slippery floors).

Accidents to Pupils During Sports Activities

The School understands that although sporting activities can lead to sports related injuries that not all injuries in this environment are reportable.

In order for the injuries to become reportable they must have occurred as a result of the condition, design or maintenance of the premises or equipment, or because of inadequate arrangements for supervision of the activity.

Accidents to Pupils in a Playground

The School understands that the majority of accidents that occur in a playground are due to collisions, slips, trips and falls – meaning that they are not normally reportable. Incidents are only reportable where the injury results in a pupil either being killed or taken directly to a hospital for treatment. Either is only reportable if they were caused by an accident that happened from or in connection with a work activity.

Physical Violence between Pupils

Violence between pupils is a School disciplinary matter and will be dealt with accordingly following the appropriate means. This would not be reportable under RIDDOR as is does not arise out of, or in connection with a work activity.

Other Scenarios

All other scenarios involving things such as School buses, Pupils on overseas trips, work experience placements etc. will be dealt with accordingly. Advice will be gained from the Trust Health and Safety Officer and the Headteacher and Nominated Person will make appropriate reports.


Dangerous Occurrences

These are specified near-miss events, which are only reportable if listed under RIDDOR.

Reportable dangerous occurrences in Schools typically include:

  • The collapse or failure of load bearing parts of lifts and lifting equipment.

  • The accidental release of a biological agent likely to cause severe human illness.

  • The accidental release or escape of any substance that may cause a serious injury or damage to health.

  • An electrical short circuit or overload causing a fire or explosion.

Workplace Equipment Maintenance

All new and existing equipment and facilities will be sufficiently designed, constructed and installed, so as to be safe and without risk to the health and safety of employees.

An adequately planned maintenance system will be operated, and records maintained where required.

When in house maintenance is required we will ensure that employees follow the written guidance and safe systems provided by the manufacturer. Where these instructions are not provided we will ensure that suitable sufficient safe systems are created and adhered to.

All legally required maintenance, testing and inspections will be carried out and records kept in accordance with statutory provisions, insurer and fire authorities’ approved codes.

Only qualified electricians are permitted to carry out work on electrical wiring and apparatus, using safe systems of work.

All work/maintenance carried out by the Caretaker will be within their abilities and competence. Under no circumstances will any School ask a Caretaker to carry out work or maintenance on a machinery or equipment that they are not trained or competent to do.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

It is the overall responsibility of the Headteacher to ensure that all employees are provided with suitable and sufficient PPE for the work that they are carrying out. The issuing of specific PPE to employees will be recorded.

When a work-related activity requires the use of PPE it will be clearly outlined within the risk assessment. These assessments will have been communicated to relevant personnel prior to them carrying out the work.

All Caretaking activities will be risk assessed on an ongoing basis. The Caretaker will have suitable PPE readily available as they may be asked to carry out work with short notice. Should the PPE not be available for the work that they are being asked to do the Caretaker will be asked to make the area safe where possible and return once the required PPE is in place.

PPE will also be required during certain lessons. It will be the responsibility of the teacher leading the lesson to ensure that all pupils are wearing the required protective equipment prior to them beginning the lesson. They should provide pupils with suitable and sufficient information and instruction in relation to the wearing and use of any PPE.



Electrical equipment will be properly maintained to ensure that it is safe for normal use. All portable appliances will be examined prior to first use, then examined, and tested regularly thereafter. A register of appliances will be produced and kept up to date. The findings of inspections and tests will be recorded. Only qualified electricians are permitted to carry out work on electrical wiring and apparatus, using safe systems of working.

Where practicable, equipment will be switched off when not in use, or on leaving the premises. All cabling, plugs and connections will be properly organised, inspected, recorded and maintained to minimise any risks, in accordance with the regulations.

Employees will not carry out maintenance on electrical equipment or plugs without prior authority and training. Employees’ personal electrical apparatus is not to be used on School premises without prior permission.

The mains electricity supply will be inspected, and a certificate of test obtained from a NICEIC registered electrician on a five-yearly basis.

Premises and Welfare

Environment, welfare and other related facilities will be maintained to the standard required by the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and the Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992. Particular attention will be given to the general fabric, temperature, ventilation, purity of air and water supplies, lighting, sanitary conveniences and noise.

The School is equipped with sufficient toilet and washing facilities for both staff and pupils. The toilets and washing facilities are cleaned daily as a part of the caretakers’ duties.  Arrangements for interim cleaning will be made should the need arise.

Drinking water is accessible for all staff and pupils. A water cooler is provided for staff in each School to utilise and pupils may use water bottles.  Cups are also available for any pupil without a water bottle.  

Staff are also provided with the facilities for making hot drinks within the staff room, where these drinks are to be consumed unless insulated mugs with secure lids are used.  

Insulated mugs with secure lids should be used when hot drinks/soups are taken out of the staff room.  This does not apply when providing hot drinks to visitors at meetings, when away from pupil learning areas/high pupil traffic, although care should be taken when transporting from the kitchen to the meeting.

Within each School a fridge is also located in the staff room in order to store items requiring refrigeration.  Arrangements for the cleaning of the staff room form a part of the caretakers’ duties and they will therefore be kept in a hygienic condition.

Microwaves, toasters, dishwashers, hot water equipment etc should be cleaned by members of School staff.

Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)

The requirements of the COSHH Regulations 2002 and other related legislation will be satisfied. All necessary precautions will be taken in the use, storage and transportation of any material or substance. The least hazardous type of any substance will be used or purchased in order to minimise any associated risk. There will be regular assessments and monitoring to ensure that this is achieved.

No new substances will be introduced into the workplace until the information regarding possible hazards and the necessary precautions to be observed have been fully evaluated by a competent person.

Only authorised personnel should access the storage areas and use hazardous substances.

COSHH assessments will be created and communicated to relevant personnel for all hazardous substances used in the workplace. It will be the responsibility of the Headteacher to ensure that these are in place however the creation and review of the COSHH assessments may be delegated to the Nominated Person.

Teachers wanting to use hazardous substances within the classrooms for educational purposes must first gain permission from the Nominated Person who will ensure that a suitable assessment has been carried out and implemented prior to the work commencing.

Any outside agencies (cleaners, contractors etc.) that bring their own hazardous substances to the School must be asked for copies of COSHH assessments and the risk assessments which outline how the substance/s are to be used.


It is the responsibility of the contractor/sub-contractor to ensure that their employees adhere to, and co-operate with, legislative and School rules in regard to health and safety whilst working for the School.

It is also the responsibility of the contractors/sub-contractors to ensure that the health, safety and welfare of the School’s staff, visitors and others is not put at risk from their work activities and practices, and that safe systems of work are adhered to at all times.

Where contractors are to carry out work on site, they will be asked to provide evidence of health and safety competence in advance. Copies of risk assessments, COSHH Assessments, method statements, or similar documentation, must be submitted and approved by the School’s person responsible, as confirmation that risks to health and safety are being properly managed. All contractors will report to the prearranged designated person prior to commencing work.

The activities of contractors whilst they are on site will be monitored to ensure that their methods of work are safe, and do not put the safety of the School’s employees at risk.

The School signing in and out procedures will be followed throughout the contractor’s time on site. This will be managed by the Office Staff who will also ensure that relevant badges are given to the contractor’s and that identification is obtained.

Contractor’s will be monitored throughout their time on site and shall not at any time be left in a situation where they may be one on one with a child.

Alcohol and Drug Abuse

In industry generally, there has been a move to greater controls and, in keeping with this, the School has adopted a policy in relation to the consumption of alcohol and drugs.

The School’s policy on alcohol is intended to be a positive approach towards maintenance of the highest standards of safety in the workplace. It is also intended to benefit the health and safety of each individual.

Any employee who feels that they may have a problem relating to drugs or alcohol should immediately seek help from their Line Manager. This information will be treated in the strictest confidence. The School will endeavour to offer any assistance available at the time.

Likewise, any employee taking prescription or legal non-prescription medication that may affect their ability to undertake their normal scope of work safely, must inform their Line Manager so that alternative work can be allocated where necessary.

Employees must not attend work whilst under the influence of alcohol or illegal non-prescription drugs.

Employees must not consume alcohol or illegal non-prescription drugs on the premises.

Employees must not return to work after breaks under the influence of alcohol or illegal nonprescription drugs.


School Smoke-Free Policy

The School acknowledges that second-hand tobacco smoke is both a public and work place health hazard and have therefore adopted a ‘no smoking’ policy.

Aims of the Policy

The policy seeks to:

  • Guarantee a healthy working environment and protect the current and future health of employees, customers and visitors.

  • Guarantee the right of non-smokers to breathe in air free from tobacco smoke.

  • To comply with health & safety legislation and employment law.

  • Raise awareness of the dangers associated with exposure to tobacco smoke.

  • Take account of the needs of those who smoke and to support those who wish to stop.

Restrictions on Smoking

Smoking is not permitted in any part of the premises including all outside areas.


All visitors, contractors and service companies are required to abide by the no-smoking policy. Staff members are expected to inform visitors of the no-smoking policy. However, they are not expected to enter into any confrontation which may put their personal safety at risk.

Working at Height

The School recognises and accepts its responsibilities under the Work at Height Regulations 2005 and shall as far as reasonably practicable ensure:

  • All work at height is avoided where possible

  • All work at height is properly planned and organised

  • All work at height takes account of weather conditions that could endanger health and safety

  • Those involved in work at height are trained and competent

  • The place where work at height is done is safe

  • Equipment for work at height is appropriately inspected

  • The risks from fragile surfaces are properly controlled

  • The risks from falling objects are properly controlled

  • They take account of the risk assessment carried out under Regulation 3 of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999

  • That suitable rescue procedures are in place for all working at height activities and that employees are trained to use rescue equipment and follow rescue procedures

The School will produce safe working procedures for all work at height activities.


The School is committed to protecting the health, safety and welfare of its staff and recognises that workplace stress is a health and safety issue. The importance of identifying and reducing workplace stressors is also acknowledged.

This includes:

  • Improving the organisational environment through effective and consistent management

  • Enabling individuals to cope successfully with their work

  • Providing support to employees whose health and wellbeing are affected by stress

  • Manage and control factors which might result in excessive or sustained levels of stress

  • Increase awareness of stress and its causes and methods to combat it

  • Assisting staff in managing stress in themselves and others As far as reasonably practicable the School will:

  • Provide Senior Leadership Team with advice and support to help identify specific causes of stress

  • Develop programmes for those with people management responsibilities to promote good management and team building skills

  • Provide suitable training such as time management, assertiveness and dealing with difficult/sensitive situations

  • Monitor the occurrence and levels of absence associated with stress

  • Provide support to all employees


In compliance with the Control of Asbestos at Work Regulations 2012, and subsequent legislation, adequate information, instruction and training will be given to employees to ensure that they are aware of the health hazards of asbestos and how controls and work methods can reduce these hazards.

In respect of our duties under Regulation 4, CAR 2012, a risk assessment for the presence of asbestos containing materials (ACMs) present within the building(s) will be undertaken.

An Asbestos Management Survey will be completed in conjunction with a competent Asbestos Surveyor to determine the type, quantity and condition of any ACMs located on the premises.

Within the Asbestos Management Survey, where an asbestos product is identified, a subsequent Asbestos Management Plan will be created to detail how we will effectively manage the risks for the identified asbestos containing materials.

The asbestos survey will be undertaken in accordance with HSG 264: Asbestos the Survey Guide and will also incorporate the advice and guidance within the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012, Approved Code of Practice and guidance, obtaining client knowledge and any registers of ACMs located in the premises.

Display Screen Equipment

In accordance with the Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992, the following procedures will be followed:

  • ‘Users’ of display screen equipment shall be individually identified by the Nominated Person. The Nominated Person shall ensure that all ‘users’ have received sufficient instruction to allow them to operate the equipment provided, including the adjustment of screens, keyboards, chairs, foot rests, blinds, etc. Particular attention should be given to minimising reflection and glare. This will be achieved through a self-assessment form that will be reviewed upon completion.

  • ‘Users’ shall be entitled to request an appropriate eye and eyesight test. Where ‘special corrective appliances’ are needed, a special pair of spectacles for display screen work may be prescribed. Any cost arising from these tests and appliances will be borne by the School.

Further information and guidance will be available through the health and safety booklets that are supplied to employees upon employment and annually thereafter.

Safety Training

Training is a significant element of our School’s safety management system. There is an increasing legislative emphasis on the competence of employees at all levels to undertake work tasks.

If correctly implemented, training throughout the School can improve competence performance and job satisfaction. In particular, health and safety training produces higher levels of awareness of health and safety issues and can result in reducing instances of accidents and incidents.

The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 places a legal duty on the School to ensure that staff at all levels are “competent” to undertake their duties. Competence is about being able to do something effectively and efficiently. It is brought about by knowledge, skills and experience.

Competency is also about knowing your limitations and when to call on advice from others who have greater knowledge, skills and experience of the subject matter.

Mandatory and Desirable Training

Mandatory training is any statutory or compulsory training that the School requires its staff to undertake in order to:

  • Comply with the law and requirements of regulatory bodies.

  • Carry out duties safely and efficiently.

  • Protect staff, pupils, contractors and the public from harm.

  • Maintain competence to the required standards.

Desirable training will be identified on an annual basis through a training needs analysis process. This may include training which would enhance the safety performance of the post holder but is over and above the mandatory minimum level.

Induction training

All employees who start work with the School will undergo a documented induction. This will cover specific areas within the School such as fire safety, first aid, relevant risk assessments etc.

Employees will be asked to acknowledge that they have received the above information and shall have it re-communicated on an annual basis.


The Headteacher is ultimately responsible for ensuring that all employees, regardless of their job role, have had the correct training in order for them to carry out the work that they are being asked to do safely. The Senior Leadership Team are to assist the Headteacher and ensure that any employee who works under their control have undergone suitable health and safety training.



Record Keeping

All training received, whether it is in-house or external, will be documented. All training will be placed on a training matrix which will outline exactly what training has been carried out and what is required. It will also allow the School to keep the training up to date by displaying the expiry/refresher dates.

Occupational Health

The Headteacher has a duty to ensure that the risks to staff members with disabilities and/or medical conditions are assessed to enable action to be taken to minimise any risk.  When assessment has been made, the Headteacher will provide the necessary support and actions to enable the employee to complete their designated duties.

Staff members will ensure that they inform the Headteacher if they have, or develop, any medical conditions or disabilities which could affect their health and safety at work. This will, where possible, be established upon employment and information will be sent to an occupational health specialist who will advise the School on any necessary steps to take.

Manual Handling


The Headteacher will ensure that adequate resources are provided in order that manual handling can be avoided wherever possible and will also provide training to any employee who is required to carry out manual handling operations as part of their work.

The SLT are responsible for ensuring that all manual handling operations have been correctly assessed in accordance with risk assessment procedures. They will ensure that manual handling is avoided wherever possible and that employees who are required to carry out manual operation have been correctly trained.

Employees will avoid manual handling wherever possible by using mechanical handling devices provided by the School. Once trained, employees must use correct handling techniques to avoid injury.

Where an employee is injured as a result of a manual handling operation it will be reported in accordance with First Aid and Accident/Incident Reporting procedures.

Manual Handling Risk Assessment

Manual Handling Risk Assessments will be carried out as part of the General Risk Assessment procedure.

For the purpose of risk assessment and identifying precautions, manual handling will be defined as the movement of any item using bodily force including:











Handling and Stacking

When handling, employees must use mechanical devices wherever possible. The Headteacher will ensure that mechanical handling devices are available and that materials are correctly stacked so that mechanical devices can be used safely.

Where manual handling of material is unavoidable, then it must be ensured that it is carried out by trained employees using the best possible method to avoid injury.

Manual handling methods to avoid injury should include:

  • The planning of all manual handling activities

  • The weight of the load being known

  • Heavy items being positioned so that they can be slid rather than lifted

  • Employees not being allowed to manually handle any materials which are too heavy

  • Work stations being designed to avoid the necessity to bend down or twist the torso repeatedly or over reach when carrying out any operation

  • All materials being free from burrs or sharp edges where possible

  • Wherever possible, materials being stacked so as to avoid handling them twice and also avoid creating any additional hazards

  • The use of PPE to avoid hand injuries

Paediatric Moving and Handling and the Moving and Handling of Pupils with Special Educational Needs:

An assessment of the moving and handling needs of pupils with special educational needs will be carried out before the pupil begins attending the School. Where necessary the School will obtain advice and guidance from parents/carers, SEN outreach teams, health professionals working with the child and Health and Safety Advisors. The assessment will identify the moving and handling needs and will plan appropriately for each pupil. The hierarchy of measures in these plans shall be as follows:

  • Hazardous moving and handling operations shall be avoided, so far as is reasonably practicable, by the use of hoists/slings and, where appropriate, encouraging pupils to move themselves or by re-organising activities.

  • Where the above is not reasonably practicable, measures shall be implemented to reduce the risk of injury to the lowest level reasonably practicable.

  • Training will be provided for staff in using the correct techniques, team lifts, the use of wheelchair ramps, transfer boards, handling belts, sliding sheets, turntables etc.

  • The moving and handling plans will be recorded in the pupil’s care plan.

  • The assessments shall be reviewed each term or whenever significant changes occur.

All staff who move and handle pupils have received appropriate training (both in general moving and handling people techniques and specific training on any lifting equipment, hoists, slings etc they are required to use).

All moving and handling of pupils has been risk assessed and recorded by the SENCO and Health and Safety Coordinator. Equipment for moving and handling people is subject to inspection on a six-monthly basis by a competent contractor.



Construction (Design and Management) regulations 2015

The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 places responsibilities on various duty holders. The School may at times act as a Client.

Under the CDM 2015 Regs a Client must:

  • Make suitable arrangements for managing their project, enabling those carrying it out to manage health and safety risks in a proportionate way. These arrangements include:

  • Appoint the contractors and designers to the project (including the principal designer and principal contractor on projects involving more than one contractor) while making sure they have the skills, knowledge, experience and organisational capability.

  • allow sufficient time and resources for each stage of the project.

  • Make sure that any principal designer and principal contractor appointed carry out their duties in managing the project.

  • Making sure suitable welfare facilities are provided for the duration of the construction work.

  • Maintain and review the management arrangements for the duration of the project.

  • Provide pre-construction information to every designer and contractor either bidding for the work or already appointed to the project.

  • Ensure that the principal contractor or contractor (for single contractor projects) prepares a construction phase plan before that phase begins.

  • Ensure that the principal designer prepares a health and safety file for the project and that it is revised as necessary and made available to anyone who needs it for subsequent work at the site.

Educational Visits

Staff should note that pupils face could potentially far higher risks on School visits than they do in the School. The individual School will ensure that all educational visits are risk assessed and that prior planning and preparation have been carried out before leaving the School for any educational visit.

The Trust must be notified of all level 3 trips, which include self-led adventurous activities, fieldwork trips to open or ‘wild’ country, and all trips overseas.  This will be done via the use of the Trust’s Evolve System. The member of staff planning the trip will submit all relevant paperwork and risk assessments relating to the trip to their School’s Educational Visits Coordinator who will check the documentation and planning of the trip and, if acceptable, initially approve the visit before referring to the Headteacher.

Further information can be found in the School’s full Educational Visits Policy.

Technology Lessons

We follow identified good practice based upon the advice from organisations such as CLEAPPS, ASE, The National Association of Advisors and Inspectors in Design and Technology and the DfE. Teachers will ensure that within Science and Technology:

  • Sharp knives and sharp ended scissors are stored securely and if used are only used by older pupils under close supervision.  Round ended scissors are used where possible.

  • Only non-hazardous paints and glues are used.

  • Pupils shall be shown how to use simple hand tools available to them in the classroom safely.  It must not be assumed that they have been taught this previously simply because they have used the tools before.

  • Eye protection is used by pupils where materials or tools are likely to produce chips or splinters which can fly off.

  • Pupils do not use spray glue and only low temperature glue guns should be used and only under close supervision.

  • Class teachers are responsible for teaching children how to use equipment and tools safely, e.g. using the outside environment/gardening, heating/cooling materials etc.

  • Class teachers will assess the general layout and prepare the teaching area appropriately for a planned task, with a view to providing a safe workplace for those engaged in the activity and those moving around the area.

  • The Curriculum Subject Coordinator is responsible for ordering safe materials that comply with statutory regulation and standards and for checking tools and equipment regularly to ensure safety.

  • All staff should report unsafe, damaged or faulty equipment.

Physical Education

It is the policy of the School to follow the guidance in the document ‘Safe Practice in Physical Education’ published by the Association for Physical Education (AfPE) and the guidance of the relevant National Governing Body for the activity concerned.  The following guidelines are based upon this recommendation.

Only suitably qualified members of staff are to supervise physical education and attention should be paid to the following:

  • Physical activities should be quietly undertaken and there should be strict control, especially if competitive games are being played.

  • Ensure pupils are involved in activities appropriate to developing their existing abilities.

  • Staff shall position themselves where they can see all pupils.

  • Appropriate clothing shall be worn at all times.  Loose and floppy clothing shall be tucked in and no baggy tops will be allowed.

  • Long hair will be tied back.

  • Watches should be removed, and earrings should be removed or taped.

  • Sports areas and pitches should be checked before activities start to make sure there are no dangerous objects around the side of the hall or any of the outside areas being used.

  • Ensure all equipment is safely set up before using it. • Check equipment regularly for signs of wear/defect.

  • Limit the number of pupils using any one piece of apparatus.

  • Set up apparatus with adequate spacing between each item.

  • If pupils are involved in moving equipment, make sure this is done using correct techniques, with enough pupils to make sure they do not have to struggle.

  • All freestanding apparatus should be kept away from walls, radiators and doorways, with sufficient space to move safely around the equipment.

  • Pupils must be supervised at all times in the hall.

  • All equipment must be put away safely and stored safely.

External Play Equipment

External play equipment will only be used when appropriately supervised. This equipment will be checked before use for any apparent defects by the teachers who are planning on using it. It will also undergo a documented check by the Caretaker on an ongoing basis. PE and play equipment is also subject to an annual inspection by each School’s chosen contractor.  

Midday Supervision and Lunchtime Protocol

  • Lunchtime staff will comply with manual handling procedures detailed in this policy when setting out or clearing away dining tables and chairs.

  • Only authorised chemicals will be used for cleaning equipment and will remain locked away when not in use.

  • Lunchtime staff will ensure any apparatus used at lunchtime is used in a manner which ensures the safety of the user and any other persons, e.g.:

  • Skipping ropes will only be used for skipping or laid on the floor for walking along/jumping over;

  • Hoops will only be used on floor for jumping in and out or by individuals to skip/hula hoop etc;

  • Bean bags, bats and balls should be used in a designated area where all are aware of where the apparatus is travelling.

  • Injuries will be dealt with and recorded in the accident book.  Letters will be sent home as appropriate.  Injuries which cause concern should be reported to the Headteacher or whoever is deputising in their absence.  Parents/carers will be informed by letter including ‘signs to look for’.

  • Accidents will be reported on other forms, as appropriate.

Playtime Protocol

Most injuries to pupils occur during playtime activities.

General rules which will be followed to ensure safety of pupils:

  • A sufficient number of staff will be available to supervise playtimes and be positioned where they can see all pupils.

  • Staff shall watch for and control over-enthusiastic behaviour.  In particular running and ball games should only take place in designated areas.  Running and ball games are prohibited in the ‘quiet areas’.

  • The retrieval of balls from beyond School boundaries is supervised.

  • Staff shall not carry hot drinks whilst on play time supervision duties.  

  • Fixed outdoor equipment shall be inspected visually on a daily basis by staff.

  • Annual inspections of outdoor play equipment will be carried out by GM Services staff.


Lone Working

Lone working will be avoided where possible at all times. If lone working has to be undertaken the controls outlined in the School’s lone working risk assessment will be followed. Should there be any need for lone working outside of what is covered within the risk assessment specific assessment will be carried out prior to the lone working.

Where possible all lone working should be planned. A suitable means of communication will be provided to contact the lone worker on a regular basis and on completion of the task.

Only competent operatives will be allowed to undertake any lone working. New starters must gain permission from a member of the Senior Leadership Team prior to carrying out any lone work and any pre-existing medical conditions will be considered prior to permission being granted. Any additional training or equipment required for lone workers will be provided by the School.

Certain tasks must not be undertaken by lone workers these are as follows;

  • Working at Height

  • Working in confined spaces

  • Working in extreme heat or cold

  • Working on/with hazardous machinery or substances

  • Or any other activity deemed too dangerous by the site-specific Risk Assessment.

School Security

School security is of paramount importance.  All staff are responsible for being vigilant and acting decisively and quickly should they notice a breach of security or security risk, eg stranger on or near premises without identification etc.

The Headteacher, staff and Governors regularly review the following security arrangements for the site.

  • All School has an intruder alarm and a swipe entry system for authorised personnel only.

  • Access is via the main entrance only once the School day has begun.  Staff may open external doors for lunchtimes and playtimes.  

  • Signs point out the location of the main entrance and detail the need to register with the School office staff.

  • Signing in must be completed by all visitors and badges are issued to identify authorised visitors.

  • Children arriving late or needing to leave the School before the end of the day must register at the office.

  • The School must be informed by the parent/carer if someone not listed on their contact card is collecting their child.

  • Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 children are handed to the parents/carers by the teacher and no Key Stage 2 child should leave School alone unless permission has been received.

Vehicle Safety

Vehicles manoeuvring around the premises, particularly reversing in restricted areas, are a major risk and can cause serious or even fatal injuries. Special care is necessary to ensure that pupils are kept away from vehicles on the School premises.

Vehicular access to the School is restricted to employees and visitors only and not for general use by parents/guardians when bringing children to School or collecting them. Access to the School must be kept clear for emergency vehicles. The vehicle access gates must not normally be used for pedestrian access.  

  • Delivery and contractors’ vehicles are encouraged not to enter the School premises at School starting and leaving times.
  • Where pupils are brought to School and are collected by bus, the arrangements are such that pupils do not have to cross the road and that the bus does not have to reverse.

In order to check that they are current, employees who drive as a part of their duties will provide a copy of their driving licence, MOT and insurance details, showing business cover. These members of staff must exercise particular care and comply with all traffic controls and other aspects of road traffic legislation. Where required, a risk assessment will be conducted for the use of vehicles as a part of the duties of the employees of the School.

Environmental Policy Statement

Co-op Academy Princeville recognises its environmental duties under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and the Waste (England and Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2012 and the Headteacher Responsible for Health, Safety and Environmental Issues, Mr. Ryan Lewis, recognises that he has a responsibility to take an environmentally (and socially) responsible approach both to existing activities and to possible new developments.

The School, so far as is reasonably practicable, proposes to pay particular attention to:

  • Minimising disturbance to the local and global environment, and to the local communities and wildlife.
  • Following the waste management hierarchy as outlined in the Waste (England and Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2012. We will follow the hierarchy outlined below for waste generated:
  • Prevention
  • Preparing for re-use
  • Recycling
  • Recovery
  • Disposal
  • Minimising the use of energy and raw materials and to adhere to the principles of sustainability.
  • Considering the environment in the design of processes and products and the maintenance of equipment.
  • Providing information on the use and final disposal of products.
  • Ensuring that all employees and suppliers are adequately informed about the School Environmental Policy.
  • Minimising the use of product-related materials and services, such as packaging or transport.

In order that the School can achieve those objectives, it is important that employees recognise their duty, whilst at work, to take reasonable care of the environment.

Employees should also cooperate fully with the School or anyone else concerned, to ensure that their legal and moral obligations are performed or complied with.


Health and Safety Policy