Creating a school where nature can thrive with RHS Grant

During this academic year, we are excited to launch a project that will create many new green spaces around our school site.
Recently we were delighted to be awarded a grant from the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) to support biodiversity work around the school site. You might have seen some of our work already during phase one!
Our children really enjoyed the first part of the project which involved planting climber plants (such as Jasmine and Wisterias) and fruit trees. For some of our pupils this was a brand new experience - using tools such as spades and gardening gloves. As an inclusive school we wanted to make sure that every child had an opportunity to have a go at planting and we worked hard to ensure there was a chance for everyone to get involved.
As well as planting around the playground and outside areas, every classroom has a plant for the class to look after and keep hydrated. Mrs Yunas, Year 4 teacher, who has taken a leading role in coordinating the RHS project around the school says, "The children take great pride in watering the plant and ensuring it is in the best position in the classroom to receive sunlight. We are looking forward to our fruit trees blossoming over the course of the year, and we are hoping to use the fruit in our recipes for our Design Technology curriculum."
The project will continue throughout the year. Our next phase is to create homes for wildlife to move into and where they can flourish. Each Year Group will be allocated a 'wildpod' where they will select which animal they would like to create a habitat for. This will include researching and working together to create the optimum habitat for the animals to survive the harsh conditions of the winter. Our focus is not only to provide a habitat for the animals but also for children to learn and understand the significance of nature and natural habitats.
Please keep your eyes peeled for future updates on this exciting project!
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