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Religious Education (RE)

We believe that religious education contributes dynamically to children’s education in school by posing challenging questions about meaning and purpose in life, beliefs about God, ultimate reality, issues of right and wrong and what it means to be human.

It promotes respect and open-mindedness towards others with different faiths and beliefs and encourages pupils to develop their sense of identity and belonging through self-awareness and reflection. Our syllabus is designed with the intent that our children will become resilient, accepting, mindful and inquisitive learners. At Coop Academy Princeville our aim is to deliver a curriculum that is accessible to all and give children the tools to become independent and responsible members of a society who understand and explore big questions about life, to find out what people believe so that they can make sense of religion, reflecting on their own ideas and ways of living. 

Co-op Academy Princeville reflects a rich culture and diverse community and it is our intent for the Religious Education element of our school curriculum to engage, inspire, challenge and encourage pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to answer challenging questions, explore different religious beliefs, values and traditions and develop a more rigorous understanding of the numerous religious traditions, beliefs and practices that are followed in our multicultural society. Christianity is taught in every year group. Islam, Sikhism, Buddhism, Hinduism and Judaism are also covered in different year groups through the year. 

We provide our children with opportunities to learn about and from religions and worldviews in local, national and global contexts. We equip our children with a knowledge and understanding of a range of religions and worldviews, enabling them to develop their ideas, values and identities.

We are using Discovery RE from Foundation stage to Year 6 covering a range of religious themes through some of the main religions in the UK. Though the main focus for each year group is based upon a given theme and religion, children will also explore  the themes in different religions to look at similarities and differences. 

 This has been adapted from the scheme ‘Discovery R.E’ which focuses on SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural  development) British Values and Mindfulness due to Ofsted emphasising the importance of SMSC development through R.E. This scheme has been chosen due to it’s progressive and easy to use scheme of learning which covers all the core learning and religious literacy required for children to be taught. 

We believe that the teaching of religious education through Discovery RE  helps our children with their own personal development and supports an understanding of the spiritual, moral, social & cultural questions that surface again and again in their lives. In tackling difficult questions it provides pupils with insight that can work to challenge stereotypes and promote cohesion. We have pupils from diverse backgrounds and through the teaching of RE, our pupil’s faiths and those of other faiths are recognised and opportunities are provided for all pupils to share unique aspects of their identities.

Bradford SACRE is an advisory body, which is part of local government, with responsibility for religious education and collective worship.  In 1944 local education authorities were allowed by law to set up a Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education.  With the passing of the 1988 Education Reform Act it became a requirement for every local authority to have a SACRE.Religious education (RE) has a unique and important place in education in this country since the 1944 Education Act when both became a statutory entitlement for every registered pupil in local authority maintained schools.   2004 non-statutory national framework for RE 

This framework, whilst non-statutory, offered guidance to SACREs on the structure, content and, to  an extent, the pedagogical approach of their syllabi. 

It describes learning in RE in terms of two attainment targets: 

  • Attainment Target 1: Learning ABOUT religion  
  • Attainment Target 2: Learning FROM religion 

In Early Years / Foundation Stage children are first introduced to a range of faiths through stories, books, videos  and artefacts. They are involved in creative and practical activities such as trying out foods from different cultures and planning and role playing. Children  will have hands-on experiences and are involved in a range of cultural activities. Our Autumn 1 theme is Special People and children will talk about people who are special to them and special people from Christianlty. In Autumn 2 we will look at Christmas and through the Christmas story and concept of  giving. Celebrations is the theme during Spring 1 when we look at the Chinese and Persian New year as well as the celebration of Holi. In Spring 2 during the theme Easter we will be looking at the signs of spring and the Easter Story. For Summer 1 we will be looking at a range of stories from in the Story Time theme from Christianly, Islam, Hinduism and Sikhism as and think about moral we can learn from them. Special Places will be the focus for Summer 2 and children will share places that are special to them and then find out about special places of worship.

In Year 1 children will start the Autumn term with the theme based on the Creation story  with a focus on Christianity and explore how the story influences attitudes towards nature and the environment.  During Autumn 2 the theme will be Christmas and Christianity reflecting on the Christmas story and the giving of gifts. In Spring 1 the theme is ‘Jesue as a friend and children will explore when it is easy or difficult to show friendship. Palm Sunday is the theme for Spring 2 and children will learn about why Jesus is special to Christians. In Summer 1 Judaism and Shabbat and explore why it is important to Jewish people. During Summer 2 children will be learning about Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur and finding out why it is important in Judaism.

In Year 2 children will learn about what Jesus taught and whether it is possible to to be kind to everyone all the time. In Autumn 2 the theme is Christmas and Jesus as a gift from God and children will explore why Christians believe God gave Jesus to the world with the main focus on Christianity. During Spring 1 the key themes will include Passover. (Judaism) Spring 2 will have a main focus on the Resurrection story and its importance for Christians. Summer 1 will focus on two themes with ‘The Covenant (Judaism) and find out ‘How special  is the relationship Jews  have with God? Judaism will continue as the main religions for Summer 2 when children will be exploring Rites of  Passage and good work.

Year 3 pupils children will learn about Christianity and Hinduism. In Autumn 1 the theme is Divali. Children will  investigate what happens during the festival of Divali and whether the celebrations bring a sense of belonging to Hindus. During Autumn 2 the theme is Christmas where children will find out what the true meaning of Christmas is to Christians and compare this with what Christmas means to them. The Spring 1 theme is Jesus’ Miracles which will  focus on retelling Bible stories when miracles have happened and question whether Jesus really did perform them. In Spring 2 the theme is Easter – forgiveness. Children will learn to recall key events in the Easter story and understand why Jesus’ crucifixion symbolises hope for Christians. Summer 1 will be Hindu Beliefs where children will explore the Hindu belief that there is one God with many different aspects. In Summer 2 the theme is Pilgrimage to the River Ganges during which children will learn to understand the significance of the River Ganges both for Hindus and non-Hindus.

Year 4 children look at the religions Christianity  and Buddhism. During Autumn 1 children will be looking  at ‘How special is the relationship Jews have with God and through Christianity in Autumn 2 they will explore what the most significant part of the nativity is today. For Spring 1 children will learn about Passover and how important it is for Jewish people to do what God asks them.(Judaism). Through the Easter theme children will learn about Salvation and whether ‘Forgiveness is always possible for Christians. Summer 1 and 2 the themes are Rites of passage and good works (Judaism) and ‘Prayer and worship,’ through Christianity. 

Year 5 children will have a focus on Christianity and Sikhism. Autumn 1 and 2 children will learn about Sikhism through the theme ‘Belief into action’, and  ‘Incarnation’ through the Christmas story. During Spring 1 and 2 ‘Beliefs and moral values’ will be covered through the key question, ‘Are Sikh stories important today? and ‘Salvation’ through the Easter theme. Summer 1’s theme is ‘Prayer and worship’ and looking at the best ways for Sikhs to show commitment to God.   In Summer 2 ‘Beliefs and Practices’ is the theme covered through Christianity looking at the best way for Christians to show commitment to God.

Year 6 children will cover Islam and Christianity during Autumn 1 and 2 through the  themes including, ‘Beliefs and practises,’ and then ‘Incarnation’ through the Christmas theme. In Spring 1 ‘Beliefs and meaning’ will cover the concept of Salvation asking the question – Is anything ever eternal and will be done through Christianity as well as Gospel during Easter.  Beliefs and Moral values will be taught in 2 sections over Summer 1 and 2 and thinking about whether the belief in Akhirah (life after death) helps Muslims lead good lives.