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Our Unique Curriculum

Our Unique Curriculum...

  • Is built around a core of texts, which transcend subjects, promote ambitious acquisition of language, and provide context for the wider curricular experience.
  • Is structured to build key knowledge pathways over time, providing pupils with a clear understanding of what information needs to be learned and retained, where this fits in their future learning, and how this builds on what they have studied previously – we call this Powerful Learning.
  • Promotes creativity and innovation, through a focus on culture and arts.
  • Is customised to capitalise upon the experiences and backgrounds of our pupils, whilst also exposing them to new and relevant knowledge and experiences, by:
    • Supporting and promoting the culture and ethos of our school, our community, and the wider country.
    • Providing a balance of academic and personal development, giving all learners opportunities for success.
    • Ensuring breadth and depth of learning, including opportunities to visit and revisit key concepts.
  • Challenges bias, stereotypes and inequality of all types, by ensuring that the curriculum is delivered objectively, facts are presented accurately, and children are taught, and encouraged to interrogate and question information they are presented with.
  • Is underpinned by a strong sense of justice, moral value and what is right and wrong, ensuring that children have opportunities to discuss openly their personal and cultural perspectives.
  • Builds a sense of personal worth and value, helps develop identity and responsibility, and shapes the individual to accept the need for, and to make, a meaningful contribution to society.
  • Has a focus on the key learning skills, both generic and specific; essential knowledge, deep understanding and personal attributes that are relevant to their lives now. This empowers our children to succeed in subsequent stages of education and sets them up for the world of work and for life’s challenges.
  • Promotes a clear view that learning is an exciting journey, that requires effort and perseverance but pays rich rewards; it’s a life-long companion, broadening horizons and opening up new pathways to varied experiences.
  • Provides coherent experiences to learn, refine and secure the skills to be independent thinking learners, who can work collaboratively, exercising emotional intelligence, and recognising their individuality, uniqueness and creative potential. 
  • Sets high expectations for the standard of outcomes.